I have been writing even though it is very hard to make time to do so lately. But good news! I have passed the 100 page mark and am up to 51,000 words. I'm over half way finished. I can see the end in sight now. This isn't a long novel so I'm thinking another 30-40,000 words to go, at the most. Nightfall's Angel is going to be one of my biggest achievements at this rate. Three years in the making. Oy! I used to be able to write novels in months. That's what happens when you grow up and face life.
Another thing, I've changed my villainess's name again. Instead of Ravan, it is now Ravann, with two N's. Why? Because I didn't want people pronouncing her name as Raven. I was worried they might do so, so I altered the spelling. Her name is pronounced RAV-ANN. I know. It's silly.
I'm sorry I haven't updated in such a long while, but there is that thing I mentioned earlier called life and it has to be attended to on occasion. Trust me, I long for the days I can spend writing morning to evening if I choose to. They are coming. But not yet.
All right. I'm out of here for now. I'm going to try to make time to get this book finished in the next couple of months. I may not make time for this blog. But what would you rather have, book or blog? My point exactly! LOL