Again, this will be short because of the finger-thing. As far as the Draft2Digital merger goes, the account for my books has been created and my books have been published under most of their banners. There is just one or two that I'm waiting on. It appears as if Smashwords is just another one of their banners. Banners being retail stores for eBooks once published by Smashwords. It actually looks like Draft2Digital is a lot easier to navigate than Smashwords ever was. I may be tempted to publish through them in the future. Check them out at I'll try to get you an account page for my books as soon as they are completely published under all the retail banners. Stay tuned!
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Angels with attitude.....
.....But not fallen angels. These angels embrace all aspects of love. Experience a reality where such alluring beings live side by side with the people they guide and show the women they fall in love with that doing right brings real happiness and loving an angel leads to an eternity of romance.

My name is Beth Gualda and I am the author and cover artist of two modern Gothic fantasy romance series of novels, Moonlit Wings and The Heaven Sent, as well as a short story anthology, based on those book series.
Connect with me on social media: Follow me on Threads and Instagram @BethGualda. Like my page on Facebook/Meta @BethGualdaBooks. Join me on Goodreads. Become my fan on and follow my boards on Pinterest.
For available eBooks, check out my author page for listings and links to all available books on Smashwords was my eBook publisher. Now my eBooks are being published and distributed through Draft2Digital. For the sake of simplicity, continue to buy my eBooks on Smashwords. You will need to set up an account on that site to make a purchase, but it is quick and easy and free! I recommend Smashwords because you can upload an eBook for any specific eReader, including Kindles and Nooks. My eBooks are also sold on Barnes&Noble, Kobo, and many other online eBook retailers.
If you prefer paperbacks, log in to and check out my author page for listings and links to available books, or log into Barnes&,, etc. You can purchase my books from any online book retailer. Unfortunately, there are no brick and mortar stores carrying my paperbacks at this time. Contact me for direct sales, for signed books, or quantity purchase discounts for book clubs.
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