I know I haven't updated this blog in months and I sincerely apologize to the people who actually do read it to stay up-to-date with all my comings and goings, but it's just so much easier to post a 30 second update on social media as to what's happening and then it tends to reach a bigger audience instantly where this blog, um, not so much.
Smashwords had its annual Summer/Winter Sale and I had a lot of reader take advantage of my free books, but little else. I'm hoping once they read the free first book in each series, they will want to continue with the rest of the series and maybe go onto the next?? That's my plan (my hope!) anyway.
Did I mention my signing at The Final Page got cancelled? I probably did post it somewhere on social media. Damn! Another signing cancelled! I had just put in for an order of books when I got the news so now I'm kind of buried in books atm. I did mention if anyone out there wanted a signed copy (of any book, not just Nightfall's Angel) contact me and I'll hook you up for $15.00 American dollars. This price includes shipping. So contact me via message here or email me paranoir2@yahoo.com.
Other than that, nothing really has been going on. My personal life is really getting in the way of everything lately and my future is shaky at best, but I'll try to do better to update and keep the webpage fresh. Hey, did you all notice how I got all the books listed here now? Slowly, but surely, this webpage is taking shape.
Until next time.