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Pricing Update


This isn't the kind of news I care to start with, but I feel it's important to let everyone know what's going on with printing costs from KDP. I was notified via email that the costs of printing paperbacks and hardcovers are going up, keeping in trend with everything else these days, I suppose, and the costs to me will be more expensive with less of a royalty. I was given options, neither of which I liked, but I chose to keep the prices of my paperbacks the same and just receive less royalty on each purchase. I think my books are priced appropriately considering I'm still unknown and without representation. My sales depend mostly on reviews and word of mouth, so I just can't justify raising the prices of my books.

That being said, I am going to have to raise the prices of my books. Let me explain. The prices on Amazon, etc. etc. will remain as they are, but my direct sales' prices will have to be raised from $10.00 to $15.00 to cover the new cost of printing. These prices won't take effect until after June 20th of this year, so if you're thinking about purchasing a signed book by me before then, you can still get it for the $10.00 price. After June 20th, signed books will be $15.00.

If you don't need the book signed, it may be cheaper in the long run (especially if you have Amazon Prime) to get your editions from Amazon. The difference in my royalties isn't a great amount and since my paperbacks sell mostly through direct sales, I can live with the lower royalty. For now anyway. If production costs really start...well, costing me too much, I may have to resort to another option, but for now, we'll just see how it goes.

I'd like to announce something exciting and fun in this post to offset the drudgery of talking about money, but I think I'm going to just wrap this up and save the fun stuff for a later date. But there is fun stuff to announce. Later. Stay tuned!

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