So, there I was, minding my own business, going about my day, and it hits me. The beginning scene of my next book. And then I came up with a title. And a synopsis. And I'm like, "Nooooo!"
Why? Because writing is time consuming, not to mention mind-consuming and it takes away from my reading and artistic endeavors. I just finished Nightfall's Angel and got it published and was looking forward to taking the remainder of the year off as far as dedicating all my time to writing, but apparently it was not meant to be.
To begin writing a book, I need that opening scene. Once I have that down, it's like giving rein to a wild horse and the ideas tend to take off running. I cannot help but write after that. Worse, coming up with a title and a synopsis is like a miniature outline. Write me! Write me now!
So, the new book will be "Angel Baby" and it will be about--you guessed it!--Aksariel and Caroline's impending little bundle of joy. We last checked in with the happy couple in the book, "The Angel of Everything Bright" where we learned Caroline had undergone an artificial insemination and was a few months pregnant when Aksariel showed up. Aksariel was a little unhinged at first, but then embraced the idea of being a father to Caroline's child and even got special permission to remain earthbound for the next twenty years or so to help raise the child, who happens to be a girl whom Caroline had already named, Lily, after her departed mother.
"Angel Baby" will begin with their wedding and will follow Aksariel and Caroline as they adjust to life as a real, married couple expecting a child. It's a whole other level of adjusting for Aksariel to be thrust in mortal guise for the next twenty years. Of course, he'll have good friends close by such as Pershabael and Raphael who visit him, but being wingless for so long will be trying for him at times.
Sound good? I know Aksariel has lots of fans out there--including me, as he's such a fun character to write. I'm not sure when I'll actually sit down to get this book started, but in a sense, it's started. I'll keep everyone posted with its progress, promise.
On a sadder note, RIP The Final Page Bookstore who closed their doors for the last time this past Saturday. It seemed sudden, as there was a book signing planned earlier this month, but brick and mortar bookstores struggle nowadays and are, unfortunately, a dying breed. I guess book signings are just not meant to be for me this year.
On a brighter note, I have oodles of inventory now. Every title I've published, so if you find yourself lacking, message or email me and I'll hook you up with a signed copy cheap.
Okay, lovelies. Stay in touch, right? Virtual hugs all around.