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Welcome to My New Webpage! (And Blog!)


As you can see, I am now on Wix. So far so good. This is my very first post here and as I'm sure you can also see, my webpage is still in the creation stage and is very rough and nowhere near being done. But it's up and that's a good thing. I'm still learning this web builder and there may be links that don't work or images that won't load. Please be patient as I am working hard to get all the kinks smoothed out.

You may also notice, there is not much by way of content. I wanted a streamlined page so a lot of what was on the other website won't be added here. There is also the fact I haven't gotten around to added everything I want to add, i.e. the books. Right now there are only four books posted. I can assure everyone I will have all twelve up soon.

Check back here for news and content as the webpage and my new blog take shape. Once the webpage is finished, I'll be posting more news regarding the new novel and my writing in general. Until next time.


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