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Writing, Typing, Editing


I just realized today I should probably post on my former blog that I will no longer be blogging there, but here! Duh. I do have news, too, so I thought I would put it up and let all interested parties know that while it seems Nightfall's Angel is dead in the water, I have spent all of last week and this weekend writing, typing, and editing on it. I am up to chapter seven which is farther than I've gotten on it before.

One thing about having put it aside for so long is that I can see it needs a lot of rewrites and a lot of my scenes need fleshing out. I think I initially wrote it so fast, I didn't really add a lot of detail. That's the one good thing about having to transfer handwritten manuscripts onto computer files. It forces me to rewrite scenes and do a lot of on-the-spot editing. I'm confident that once I do get this beast typed, it will be ready for my betas.

And speaking of betas, since I want this book to stand alone as well as tie into the two series, Moonlit Wings and The Heaven Sent, I would like to find a beta who hasn't read any of my other books. If you would be interested, please contact me with, well, your contact info.

I'm tired. I'm off to curl up on my sofa and watch an old Marvel movie with lots of really cute men in it. Some badass women, too. Until next time!


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